Monday, May 24, 2010

Comfort food

So when you're away from home, you start craving the strangest things that you wouldn't even buy at the grocery store if you WERE home! My cravings can be divided in two categories: American and Colombian food.

  1. Platanos (Plantaines)

  2. Ajiaco (Potato soup from the bogota region)

  3. Beans (the cuban/colombian way)

  4. Chontaduro (an odd fruit)

  5. Lulo (another odd fruit- described to a mix between rhubarb and lime)


  1. Cheap Chinese Food (yes, that's American)

  2. White bakery cake

  3. Root Beer

  4. Pulled Pork

So when Elliott went to the US, I pathetically requested FunFetti cake, the fakest, most delicious, saturated fat filled box cake. And boy was it divine.

I lovingly mixed in the 3 ingredients: oil, water, eggs.

And lovingly mixed in all the ingredients.

And impatiently stood by the oven watcing it like a hawk to make sure our oven wouldn't burn it.

I delicately decorated it with fat-filled wonderful fake frosting.

And then indulged in what is the nonsense of Funfetti cake.


  1. yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!

    im addicted to box cake.

    ...and let me tell you, that's a problem. a big problem.

  2. i TOTALLY understand. i also crave that cake. its so good!! now I'm going to have to make one because you are making me crave one.

    But i totally understand about the agiaco. I also add sancocho de gallina. for some reason, after I have my amazing steak I NEED to have one of those as a meal. And Lulo...well finding mora and lulo in LA has been one of the highlights of 2010. I'll go to that hispanic store and buy all the ones they have in stock. (Usually not that many...) but my fridge currently has at least 15 frozen pulp packs.
