Kushari is a very popular dish-- especially in Egypt. I was out at a handicrafts bazaar- where all kinds of beautiful palestianian stitching was being displayed and sold for good prices (considering all the time and effort it takes to make on of these masterpieces-- if you've ever done crosstiching, you know exactly what I'm talking about).

I was strolling around then of course, had to stop at the food station. I got two take-aways for lunch in the coming days.
1. Maftoule- i.e. couscouse (but in Palestine, stick to saying 'maftoule'-- because the latter can sound like a dirty word).
2. Kushari--rice+lentils, topped with macaroni and tomato sauce.
Verdict: Fail
It was like
a wild mistake in my mouth. Like I had taken leftover lentils and rice (lovely)- and scooped on some leftover italian and gobbled it up together.
It may not have been the finest form of Kushari, but I would be hesitant to have it again.
eeeeuuuuuu, that combination just doesn't work ;0