After I experienced my first animal slaughter during Eid at M's, I went straight over to K's beautiful home- who had a surprise of 250kg of beef in a titanic pile! Most families buy a sheep, but some pool their funds to buy an entire cow (see previous entry at M's). Usually men in the family are tasked with chopping up the beef/lamb and getting ready for distribution. Here's a pack of 9 men (all family members) who are busy at work on a warm bright morning in Gaza.

A visit to a family in the oPt is not a quick hour and a half, it usually entails hours of lounging, chatting, drinking tea, playing with the kids, and feasting on one of the many beautiful meals native to the Middle East. K's wonderful meal below was a luxurious Maftoule dish (like cous cous)- with fresh beef, lots of veggies, and plenty of olive oil (the true secret!)

A note: these priviledged moments are a time to remember that 77% of Gazans are food insecure and on food aid, all provided by international agencies. Because of the blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip on behalf of Israel- no food products are allowed into Gaza- except for a few products in limited amounts that are too expensive for the majority of the population. No exports are allowed out of Gaza (except for flowers that were recently permitted as a one time deal) therefore the agriculture sector is severely disabled.
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